Masjid an-Nabawi is nothing short of majestic. It has the capacity to house about one million worshippers with prayer area on the roof as well as in the outlying courtyard. The courtyard is laid of white marble tiles with huge 30+ foot high lamps lining the courtyard.

Hugh doors lead into an immaculately kept structure. The first thing that catches the eyes are the numerous hugh columns - literally hundreds - intricately designed with golden trims. Huge arches formed between the columns at the top. If one were to stand at one end and look at the arches, it gives the effect if looking into a cave almost. The pillars lead up to what seem like 50 foot ceiling also beautifully designed.

At various points, the ceiling gives way to 30ft diameter domes - 27 in all - which completely slides open to allow the the midday sunlight in.

One is left awestruck looking at the magnificence of this building. You can literally eat off the floor. Workers are constantly mopping areas that does not in the least bit seem in need of it. The workers constantly rushes to keep the hundreds of water pitchers lining the walkways filled with cool zam zam water.
Attached to the Masjid on the front side of the building is what used to be the house of our dear and noble Prophet (saw). He was buried here along with Abu Bakr and 'Umar next to him (saw).
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